English (B.A.)

Ideal for creative, thoughtful students with a strong desire to read and analyze important works of literature.
Students in our Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English program explore how meaning is made in and through language. They study a wide range of literary texts, learning to read closely, to ask sharp questions, and to write skillfully and with purpose. Rowan English majors form a diverse learning community—one that celebrates intellectual curiosity, civic responsibility, and the rigors of research and critical analysis.
At all levels of the curriculum, English majors engage with questions of genre, form, style, author, and audience as well as with questions of history, nation, culture, and social identity. The departmental mission is to teach and model the range of traditions and perspectives necessary for the study of literature, its history, and its contexts today.

Undergraduate Admissions
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thinkers, doers, and creators
- Copywriting
- Journalism
- Education
- Law
- Sales
- Government
Writing Her Future Through Rowan Blog
Using her love of literature, English major Bianca Gray '21 pursued an on-campus student worker position working for Rowan Blog to develop her interviewing and writing skills. In doing so, she learned more about herself and grew as a person and a professional.
Discover Rowan

I’ve always wanted to be an English teacher. However, I also love science. I’m really excited to take two things I’m passionate about and combine them.Kasey D. Warren County, NJ

Whenever I take a Women and Gender Studies course or an English course, I really feel at home with feminism, I really do.Destiny H. Camden County, NJ

I like Rowan's English program because it covers so many different types of literature — young adult, children’s, and other non-classical literature classes.Lance S. Bergen County, NJ

The Rowan English program has offered me high quality collaborative relationships with my peers, a supportive group of talented professors and academic staff.Jada D. Burlington County, NJ

I chose English because of my passion for our language, literature and critical thinking. Analyzing a piece of literature is like being a detective.Evan N. Burlington County, NJ


With the economy we live in, you’re not taking a job - you’re creating a job. Rowan taught me the value of what to do with an English major.Nic Esposito Alumnus
Students will develop oral and written communication skills to build a detailed understanding of language and culture that facilitates their individual success.Joseph L. Coulombe English Professor