Bioinformatics (B.S.)

Combine a set of methods with your programming to extract results from large sets of biological data to solve problems.
As a bioinformatician, you might study human diseases, find new, more powerful drugs, or unlock the secret biology of an organism. A few lines of programming code puts genomes at your fingertips.

Undergraduate Admissions
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thinkers, doers, and creators
- Bioinformatics Scientists
- Software Developers
- Bioinformatics Analysts
- Biological Scientists
Problem Solving and Personal Medicine
"If biology interests you, if life science interests you, then getting a degree in bioinformatics is one of your best shots at becoming a really a necessary part of personalized medicine and research in any field that's moving forward," says Benjamin Carone Ph.D.
Discover Rowan

I’m presenting at a poster session during the annual conference for the Society of Molecular Biology & Evolution in Quebec. I’m excited!Molly M. Camden County, NJ

When I transferred to Rowan I was torn between bioinformatics and another major, but the interdisciplinary aspect of bioinformatics is what won me over.Anne Marie F. Camden County, NJ

My plan is to eventually use my knowledge of bioinformatics to do research science! I hope to do research for genetic diseases one day.Kelly K. Burlington, NJ