Finance (B.S.)

Every organization — private, public, domestic or international — needs finance professionals who can allocate money to its best use. Finance provides an in-depth understanding of how firms raise and invest capital, individuals allocate their savings among investment options and markets function to channel funds from savers to investors.
Validate textbook knowledge by buying and selling stocks with real money and make investment decisions in near-real time in our interactive trading room.

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thinkers, doers, and persuaders
- Security Analysis
- Wealth and Investment Management
- Financial Management
- Managing Loans
- Personal Financial Advising
Beyond The Classroom: Fiona Hughes, CFO for SGA
Fiona oversees all finances for Student Government Association (SGA), monitors all clubs and resolves any issues that may arise. "I've learned a lot more with my position in SGA, relating to my major, than I would have if I were just a regular student attending classes."
Discover Rowan

It’s a lot of work, but I know it will pay off. My experiences are fun and rewarding. I’m receiving a great learning experience by working in my field.Davon D. Gloucester County, NJ

Rowan is an incubator for ideas. Everyone is highly specialized in what they do, and the passion is there. You can pick up so much knowledge by just asking questions.Kayvon J. Camden County, NJ

I found that through my internships, I had a lot more knowledge and experience in the field than people with the same major from other schools.Nikki B. Gloucester County, NJ

I have a passion for working with business and I thought that with applying my skills in foreign languages, I can work in an international business field.Kyle H. Middlesex County, NJ